Help Center

Help Center / FAQ's

How to buy?

Refund Policy

Can I place a "hold" on a property?

How do I conduct my due diligence?

Are the photos on the listing of the actual property?

What if I am unable to physically visit the property?

I still have questions, who do I contact?

What is the best way to make My Monthly Payments

Property Information

Can I live on the Property while I am making Payments?

Where is the property located and how do I find it?

Does the Property Have Utilities?

Are there any back taxes or liens against the property?

Can I live on the property while I am making payments?

What is the annual property tax liability?

Can you show me the property?

Is the Property Surveyed?

What is the Zoning of the property?

Can I park an RV or Mobile Home on the property?

Can I start Building on the property while I'm Making payments?

Shelter Cove, Humboldt County CA

Is this lot “buildable”? (Shelter Cove)

Is this lot within the Resort Improvement District’s service area? (Shelter Cove)

What is the zoning for this lot? Is this lot located within the Coastal Zone? (Shelter Cove)

What development does zoning allow? (Shelter Cove)

What permits are required for development in Shelter Cove?

What is design review? (Shelter Cove)

What are violations? Are there any violations on this parcel? (Shelter Cove)

What is the basic process for getting a building permit? (Shelter Cove)

What is the basic process for getting a planning permit? (Shelter Cove)

What are typical fees for a planning permit? (Shelter Cove)

Where can I get more Information? (Shelter Cove)

Sweetwater County Wyoming

How do I Find information on Sweetwater County?

What can I build on my Property (Sweetwater County)?

How do I gain access to this property (Sweetwater County)?

Access, wells and utilities, Livestock Grazing (Sweetwater County)?

Are there any Easements on this property (Sweetwater County)?

Are there mineral rights for this property? (Sweetwater County)